'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

Dilemma Season 1 Episode 204

Zayn called Tank to inform him of the entire story, Dembele knows his mother is alive, he has to get her out of the country but first, he needs to know Yolaine is safe. Zayn asked for men to help secure the building and Tank was on it, they are Waziris and they look after their own, he should look for Yolaine he will handle the rest.

Just after the call, Tank informed the family that Dembele threatened Yolaine, and Zayn has gone to fetch her. Kanso wanted to go too but Tahir convinced him not to, he should think of safety first, this might be a trap. Kaineto also spoke to her son to stay put, their men are already on it.

Nnamdi and Silk went to Idara’s house, the moment Silk entered and saw Jojo tied up she was about to attack Rea for itching for death. Nnamdi convinced her to calm down and breathe as they discussed. Silk did calm down, she made it clear to Rea that she would kill her if she ever tries this again, how foolish was she to think Jojo will leave such a video on her phone. 

Zayn couldn’t find Yolaine, he was informed that Yolaine checked herself out. Zayn immediately grabbed the doctor demanding his daughter. He later called Tank to inform him that Dembele has Yolaine, he took her because he failed to carry out the task of killing his mother.

Tank informed the family about this, Kanso was upset, he wants to go look for Yolaine but Tahir was able to convince him again. Tawa overheard Tank telling the family that Dembele took Yolaine because Zayn couldn’t kill his mother. 

The family does not intend to give Tawa in exchange for Yolaine, even if Tawa is crazy they cannot give her to a man like Dembele. Kaineto said Tawa did not survive Farouq all those years to be given to Dembele, Tawa stays. Meanwhile, Tawa overheard everything, she also heard and saw how Tank and Kanso were feeling, Kanso loves Yolaine while Tank loves Tawa.

Kaineto asked her boys to leave so she can talk to Tank. When they left, Tank apologized, he is crying like a teenager in love. Kaineto knows how he feels, love is like a stain that doesn’t go away no matter how much you wash it. Kaineto assured Tank that she would do everything in her power to make sure Tawa is safe as well as Yolaine.

Aliyah came to the hospital and the Osirus men stopped her from going through until Zayn came out. Zayn informed her that their daughter is as kidnapped. Aliyah began to cry and scream at him for endangering their daughter, this is why she did not want her to bear the Waziri cursed name. Zayn apologized to her, he will bring her back. While Aliyah was screaming, she passed out, there was blood between her thighs.

When Silk returned with Jojo and informed Lady T it was Rea that held her hostage. Lady T was upset that she let Rea walk away with this, what is wrong with all of these women. Silk defended Rea, the girl has been through a lot, and she should have some compassion. 

Silk confronted her mother for the way she has been treating Salma, she does not want her to be like her, she made the mistake with her but she can rewrite it with Salma. Lady T listened, she gave being an actual mother a chance in her tough love way. She and Silk went to see Salma and Lady T told her how she has to be tough against every situation thrown at her. Silk motioned to her to go comfort Salma while she was crying.

Kanan went to the hospital only to see Zayn in the room, he asked him about his daughter. Zayn told him someone found out she is his daughter and kidnapped her. Kanan grabbed his collar, he should find his daughter. 

When Kanan left to take a call, Zayn called Dembele to beg her to let go of Yolaine, he will do anything but Zira told him he is calling the wrong number.

Kanso told Tahir they cannot just sit here, they need to get Yolaine. Tahir knows but they need a strategy so they know what they are dealing with. While they were talking, Tawa came in, she told them to exchange her for Yolaine. She told Kanso he loves her granddaughter, he should exchange her. 

Next on Dilemma: Tahir will meet Dembele at Goldie’s place.


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