'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

All The Queen's Men Recap: Season 1 Episode 5

Do y'all know why I love Madam or should I say, Queen? The boss lady is smart, beautiful, and knows how to get shit handled and if all women could see that as a mirror of themselves, then the world just got to be a better place after all. 

Remember in episode 3, the low-class Judge Ross? (Yeah ..that one) the 'judge' thought she could eat her cake and have it but trust Madam to handle things as she informs the judge that she would not only refrain from disturbing Babyface but also help her secure the power of attorney for her father from her older sister. 

Shit hit fans when Ms. Patty, Babyface sugar mummy (I seriously don't know what they have going on) finds out about Babyface extra curriculum activities with the judge. Trust me, people, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, Patty played to the left by Beyonce for Babyface, she collected back the very expensive car she gifted to Babyface ( sugar mama syndrome?) and leaves a consolation price (bless her giving heart) a bicycle...well he had to work those thighs though. 

Meanwhile Shenika, a precious kid Madam saved from being bullied seeks Madam out for help as she had been thrown out of the house, the kid hadn't even had food for a few days. I gotta give it to Madam, cause for someone so ruthless, she is just as kind. 

Amp continues to work at Eden as he tries to become an amateur dancer and his roommate just gets weirder and weirder by the minute with his overly cheerful attitude (like the joker or something). 

Boy! do the queen's men know how to move dem waist (when did it get so hot in here?) I had to watch their waist movement like a dozen times (and some more). Doc gets reacquainted with an old customer Theresa and it seems like they have some chemistry going on. 

The episode ends with an FBI agent walking into Eden and questioning Madam about Alan missing but what really has me worried is that this agent might just have the evidence to send Madam to prison.


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