'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'The Godfather of Harlem' Recap: Season 2 Episode 7

 After a long hiatus from our screens, The Godfather of Harlem returned Saturday night with episode 7 to pick up where the families left of.

One week before Bumpy received an achievement award from the Alearnics Silk society, Bumpy took his oaths to be part of the fraternity.

In the same vein, Chin’s performed the rituals for Ernie to join the Geneva family. He took the oath to abandoned everyone else except his new family including his mother and his entire family.

Meanwhile, Bumpy bought his way into the Alearnics Silk society, his money got him the title of Wolf Hound a position Bumpy paid for with lots of dollars to gain influence and integrity.

After the prior initiation, Bumpy had a meeting with the black man in charge of New York bank and the only black high Judge in the country thanks to the fraternity.

He soon realized that there is influence here, but not integrity, the society decided to up his percentage from the agreed 6% to 12% due to the Robert Morgenthau investigation.

Elise isn’t backing down on telling Margret the truth about her mother, in fact, she is even more inspired after speaking with Sandra a young pregnant woman at the mosque.

The woman is trying to get cleaned from Bumpy Johnson’s drugs for the sake of her unborn child, she doesn’t want her to be an addict like she is. Elise assured her that her daughter wouldn’t if she is raised as a Muslim.

Elise had a conversation with Bumpy after he dropped Margaret in school, she wants to tell her daughter the truth and raise her as a Muslim.

Just like Mayme, Bumpy tried to talk her out of it, she wouldn’t raise his daughter as a Muslim. Elise isn’t backing down, she would tell the girl tonight.

Bumpy tried to get Mayme to help handle the situation with Elise but this time Mayme is done with Elise, she is his daughter he should handle it. I guess someone should give Bumpy a cape, Super Bumpy.

Stella did a little confession to her father tonight one that left him questioning her sanity and how true what she said was.

Stella told Chin she shot Bennie and Ernie finished the job. To get her father to believe her unbelievable story, Stella told him where Ernie buried the body, it is the same place they bury bodies. She would only know that information if Ernie told her.

Those oaths Ernie swore too, one about not killing a member of the family is about to bite him in the ass. Chin got another of his guy, Gino to check her story, he too did not believe Stella and Ernie killed Bennie.

Someone has been stealing from Bumpy, not money but cocaine. Ms. Willa, guest star Whoopi Goldberg the maths wizard ran the numbers.

Chance and Nat took a trip downtown to Junie Byrd, Bumpy’s trusted guy that does the packaging. Chance was definitely sure he stole 200 grand worth of dope from Bumpy and was about to pull the trigger when Nat stopped him so they can talk outside.

Tonight’s episode was about choosing family above everyone and everything else, Chance choose to help Nat keep quiet about the money after he told him the truth.
He stole the money to pay up a gambling debt but swore to pay Bumpy every dime he took.

Gino came back with the report for Chin he found Bennie’s body right under the apple tree where Stella said it would be.

Bennie was a made man and things like this can only be settled one way in the family, Ernie’s death. If there is anything Stella has done to her father all her life is torture Chin with one action or the other.

Stella got Ernie to leave town for a couple of days while she handles her father, he was going to kill Ernie tonight. We finally got to see Stella kiss Ernie, something we all knew was going to happen since the moment Ernie refused to kill Teddy.

Chin had to make a choice between hurting his daughter again or the Geneva family because Stella isn’t about to back down, he kills Ernie she would never forgive him and we all know to what length Stella can go, she almost sent her father to jail for good before the series break.

Chin shot Gino instead to protect his daughter, he was the only one except, Stella, Ernie, and him that know who killed Bennie. That secret stays between them.

Bumpy on the other hand let out a big secret in tonight’s The Godfather of Harlem. After Malcolm called Bumpy a man of many contradictions, I mean he is getting an award for helping the city when it is his drugs that are killing the city.

He neglected one daughter and is raising his granddaughter as his own. Bumpy might be a practical man but those words Malcolm spoke to him got Bumpy to consider telling Margaret the truth about her mother.

Mayme wouldn’t let that happen, she decided to go speak to Ellis about not telling Margaret the truth, you don’t send a man to do a woman’s job they say.

In the bid to get Elise to change her mind, Mayme shared her own secret, one she never told Bumpy. She can’t have children because she was raped at 14 by a family member that got her pregnant.

Mayme damaged herself when she did an abortion. When Margaret came, that was her chance at motherhood again.

By the time they were done, Elise and Mayme returned to Bumpy with a compromise. Elise agreed to let them continue to raise Margaret but they will tell her the truth.

For a second, at the beginning of tonight’s episode, we had a freight that Bumpy was dead or worst hence his absence at the award but that wasn’t the case, Bumpy decided to ditch the award he paid for to sit with his family.

The legend Bumpy Johnson had a confession to make to his granddaughter, he is not her father but her grandfather. Elise is her mother, she couldn’t raise her because she was an addict at that time.

Telling the truth of a secret that would one day come to light is always better than the lies to cover it up. Margaret took the news well, she was rather happy to have two mothers and a granddad.


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