'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

‘The Smart Money Woman’ Recap: Season 1 Episode 4


This week's episode on The Smart Money Woman. Zuri is working in her office when Mr. Tunde comes to talk to her just before she was about to close for the day. Tunde thought after the last talk he had with her he would have expected a change so he asked her to sit down let them talk.

Tunde tells her he knows she has potentials but she keeps failing in his expectations. He is only one man and cannot speak for the other partners but if she does not start delivering it would be difficult keeping her here. He wants to see that girl of 26 that just started working here and in two years got the firm a 100million contract or else she would be finding another job. After hearing Tunde speak, Zuri just sank back into her chair to focus on her work rather than rush home as she intended.

Adesuwa is working when Ladun calls her so they can go shopping for the new dress she intends to wear tomorrow to the party, it can never be said Ladun wore the same dress twice. Adesuwa is looking forward to hanging out with them they have not been hanging like they always do since Zuri started her money cleansing thing. Ladun would be dropping the kids off with the nanny then pose for a few pictures before leaving the party to a wedding. Adesuwa cannot come, she has to work tomorrow.

Ladun does not understand why they have to work all the time, thank god Bode married her right after NYSC. Adesuwa asked her to help pick up her son for the party tomorrow since she would not be able to make it and Ladun is always willing to help.

Just before they hang up, Zuri enters the house looking very exhausted after work. Ladun leaves to go get the wine while Lara enters the house. Zuri tells Lara about her day at the office with Tunde, he was right her clothes dry a little bit harder. Lara encourages her, at least she knows she is slacking and willing to do better.

Lara would not be going to the party because she does not like Banke, she is always bratty and trying to rub her perfect life in her face. While they are talking. Tami calls and Zuri puts it on speaker as Lara complains even more about Banke. Zuri asks her why she doesn't feel the same way with Ladun when Ladun also robs her perfect life in their faces, it is always Bode this and that. Lara says Ladun is their baby but she does not like Banke.

After a bit of convincing from her girls, Lara agrees to go to the party but Banke would catch these hands if she tries to be smug with her and she would not buy any of her bratty kids any gift.

While everyone is preparing the place for the party, Banke goes to talk to her husband, he needs to change his outfit because they would be having over a 100 guest. Badebo tries to talk to her about it, they were supposed to have a small party in the house now he woke up to a circus in his house. Banke isn't bothered about what he is saying, is it because of a few change for the party he wants to stress her life, he should get ready their guests are about to arrive. Imagine going into debt to have a party?

Lara came to the party and Banke begins with the quiz after appreciating her for coming. Banke asks her why she is always talking about the boys, no boyfriend yet? Lara informs her she has one he is just not a party person especially kiddy parties, she might have seen him on Forbe's list. The two women continue to throw jabs at each other, Banke reminding her of her age and the difficulty to give birth, Lara also reminding her she is a year older than her and dropping out of school as the reason she forgot. Lara also went a bit further to tell her about women make sure they have male children so they can keep their marriage knowing if it fails they do not have any marketable quality with no certificate.

Lara goes to join Zuri at the table and Chinasa is also at the table. Chinasa calls Lara aunty with an intention to make her feel old but Lara politely tells her to stick to calling her just Lara.

Tami is sitting inside the house with Banke's mother in law and her friends. They call her a tailor instead of a fashion designer, it is the same way carpenters call themselves interior decorators. While they are talking, Banke enters to meet them and her mother-in-law asks of her grandson, hope she is not raising the heir the way she is raising her daughters.

The women begin to talk about women that are career-driven with no marriage, no matter what work you are doing you should be married and their conversation gets Tami thinking about herself. Tami tries to show them her new design just to change the topic but the women ask her if she is married or does she have a boyfriend. One of them even suggests that she can give her nephew that is a chartered accountant to her as her husband, he is a good man. 

Tami has had enough with the talks from the women so she goes into the restroom to join Zuri and Lara. Zuri thanks Lara for taking her out of that table she was getting angry with the talks from Chinasa trying to imply Banke was broke. Lara does not like Chinasa's attitude always calling everything uncle this and aunty that but keeps going around spreading malicious gists about someone that lets her come into her house and eat her food, even though the gist is juicy. Zuri cannot understand this Lagos, a lot of people just put on a fake show.

Zuri overhears Banke and her husband arguing about money. Badebo wants to know is it that they are owing vendors in Lagos up to millions and she even went to the bank to get a loan for the party. Banke isn't sorry after all his family made her go through to have a boy he should be prepared to know that all his birthdays would be big, he should not let everyone know that they are broke, their parties are legendary and they need to carry on with it and figure out a way to pay the debt.

Zuri is about to move from the door when Chinasa sees her, Aunty Zuri what are you doing here?

"Debt can be a useful tool to attain financial success. But how you use it matters. Wealthy people use debt as a tool to leverage their investments and grow their cash flow. But poor people use debt to buy things that make rich people richer. Only borrow to acquire an asset that will appreciate in value."


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