'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Battleground' Recap: Season 2 Episode 122

Today in Battleground. Ola tells Roman all he knows, he just wants his sister and the babies to be safe. Roman uncuffs Ola, he is free to go, he knows where to find him when he needs him. The General reminds him not to do anything stupid he knows what would happen to the children. Ola thanks Roman for letting him go but Roman tells him he shouldn't get things twisted, he broke him out of jail. Ola cannot believe this, the police would be on the lookout and it would affect his movement but Roman is not bothered about that a young lawyer like himself would not find it difficult.

Adaora was looking at the family portrait when Vyhutu and Hosu come to see her. Adaora is already aware of the pregnancy although Mayowa and Hosu were careless but it is a blessing. Adaora wants both of them to let her be in the life of her grandchild it's like her Mayowa came back to her she only asks that they forgive her for the way she treated them in the past.

Ida is laying on her couch and thinking about Ire's plot when Adze comes in angry at her and very rude too reminding her she is Prime, why would she allow them to push her into a corner to suspend him? Ida has a lot to tell him too, he is the reason why she is in this mess in the first place, he brought these people into the club. When Adze tries to blame her for admitting them Ida tells him she did because they were his people and she felt okay knowing he had people to back him up when the time came for him to take on the leadership of Populous her only mistake was trusting he was capable of leading Populous.

Emeka is working in the office when Stella comes to talk to him, he should hear her side of the story. Emeka has heard enough and does not want to talk to her. Stella tells him he is taking the side of his mother in law over her, he has no idea what she is capable of. Emeka says she can say all she wants about Adaora but she has been there for him more than she has. Stella asks him if Adaora told him her husband Kolade assaulted her years ago and she helped him cover it up? Emeka repeats what she just said in a doubtful manner.

Emeka does not believe his mother, she is trying to taint her name but Stella says she is not lying it happened to her. Emeka tries to get things straight, Kolade assaulted her and his father kicked her out, and then stayed friends with the same man that assaulted her, he knows she easily gave him up. Stella says she could not stay, she could not look the bastard in the face anymore after all he did, she is not going anywhere this time. Emeka needs time to process all of this and Stella says she would not be going anywhere, she is right here.

Koko goes to Oye's house while she is seated brooding, Koko apologizes for the last time she was here the things she said. Oye asks her if she has seen Tes at the Badhmus mansion? Koko has seen him a couple of times but wants to know what she is on about, it is not nothing if she is thinking this much. Oye tells her she found out who Tes is having the affair with, Teni Badhmus.

Koko cannot believe it, Teni cannot be cheating on her husband. Oye is still trying to wrap her head around it, she is very sure Anu told her. Koko thinks its a lie, Anu had a thing for Tes how is she sure she is not setting her up? Oye knows she is not, she was the one that took the pictures. Koko knows how her sister gets, what is she going to do? Oye is going to kill them.

Barrister Okiemute tries to get information on Kolade Badhmus case by telling them he would make sure word about the incident surrounding Ola's whereabout does not get out if they give him information on Kolade Badhmus. Barrister Okiemute put a call to the commissioner praising the efforts of the officers so they can listen and get him what he wants. When he finished the call, Evander enters to sit down at the same time the officer is asking Okiemute what he wanted from them.

Okiemute asked Evander to allow him to see Kolade but he tells him Kolade does not want to see him. Okiemute assures him all he is doing is for the benefit of Kolade so Evander suggests that he can be helpful with their case, he is going to see the commissioner while can talk to the AG but they need Kolade's permission first. Okiemute thinks it is a good thing Kolade came to help out with Ola, he is sure if Ola was here he would be very proud.

Hadiza called Yakubu to thank him for being in her corner at the meeting but why did they get a suspension did they not plead their case well? Yakubu says it is because Ida a soft spot for Adze, he is her grandson by marriage. Hadiza makes Yakubu tell her more about Ida and Adze's relationship and he fell for it. It is because of the promise Ida made his father, there would be no prosecution for Adze killing Fola Majekodumi even though they know he did it. Hadiza is getting all the information she needs to handle Adze.

The General took Ola to a new place, it would be his hideout spot for the main time. Ola does not like this idea but he had no choice in the matter. The General tells Boniface to take care of his stay here, Ola would be staying here until he is no longer a fugitive from the police. When the general tells Boniface to leave them, he asks Ola what is his plan to get Roman's money now that he is on the run.


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