'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Battleground' Recap: Season 2 Episode 121

Today in Battleground. Oye cannot believe what Anu just told her, that is not possible she is just saying it to cover her tracks. Anu says Teni is the girl in the pictures, she was the one that sent the pictures to her. Oye wants to know her end game, Teni is her friend and business partner why would she do this? Anu says she warned them about the affair before she traveled but they carried on and she felt she needed to know. Oye gets even angrier when she tells her the affair is still going on.

Teni took Hosu to go see Adaora and the first thing Hosu tells her is thank you for the money she gave her, she is too scared to tell her about the pregnancy. Teni is the one that informs her mother Hosu is pregnant for Mayowa. Adaora finally has something to be happy about, she feels like she did good after all. She and Teni are excited that Mayowa left someone to carry his name on.

Yakubu tells the house that the story is factual but Hadiza had not done anything to discredit the club, she is only new here unlike Adze that has constantly carried out actions that discredit the image of Populous, Yakubu says they should not expel someone for giving someone a bad name when Adze has been the one running wild. He drives the nail so hard when he boldly tells Prime she is letting Adze carry on because he is her grandson making Ida send Adze out so they can deliberate on the matter.

Koko goes to the police station to see Ola, the officer in charge tells her that it would not be possible to see him today because they are having an administrative sanitation check and they cannot let her see him only his lawyer. Koko can sense something is going on so she calls Barrister Okiemute to come to the police station.

Vhyutu called Hosu to the kitchen to ask her what she has done this one Teni and Adaora are calling her. Hosu informs her she is pregnant and Vhyutu begins to beat her, she sent her to school only to get pregnant. While she is hitting Hosu, Chichi steps in so she would not kill her daughter. Hosu informs her mother it is Mayowa's child and she even gets angrier, this people would think she trying to use them for money now Mayowa is no longer alive. She drags Hosu to go see Adaora since she told her she already told madam and she is fine with it.

Okiemute came to the police station demanding to see Ola but they would not let him. Okiemute threatens to call the IGP before detective Agbabiaka tells him they had an issue, while he was interrogating Ola he overpowered him and escaped locking him up in the cell. While they are trying to wrap their head around the story, Evander comes into the station demanding to see his client. Koko got a call from Oye to come to see her right now so she has to leave while Okiemute stays back to find out what is going on, if Evander is here then so is Kolade.

Adze and Hadiza are both suspended for misbehaving, they get two weeks each to serve their suspension. Adze gets angry that they are doing this to him after all his father has done for this club. Hadiza puts on her award-winning meek look to tell Adze and everyone that they would serve their suspension and return as better people to the club as she extends her hand to shake Adze. Adze angrily walks out while Ida can see through Hadiza.

Kolade is being kept in the police interrogation room when detective Nwokocha comes in to sit with Kolade so he would not say he is being kept in solitary confinement. He hands Kolade his phone to make a call to his lawyer, however, Kolade called someone to confirm if everything is in motion then tells the detective he is right when he said this country is not safe for anyone.

The General tells Ola that he needs to try everything possible to get Roman the money. Ola reminds the General that it was him and his father that started all of this now he wants his help in fixing it. The General tells him of Ayo, he has Ayo and his grandchildren in the crossfire he has to do everything to get him the money. Ola agrees to get him his money.

Kolade and Evander are informed in the interrogation room that they have him where their boss wants him, they know he helped Ola escape and there is already a manhunt to get Ola. If he had anything planned before now he should forget about it and be thinking of writing his last testament.


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