'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'The South Westerlies' Recap: Season 1 Episode 2

Today in The South Westerlies. Kate returned to the room, pacing back and forth worried that Breege might tell Baz about Conor. After getting Breege's cafe number from the internet, she decided to back to go back to the store to talk with her.

At Breege's store, Baz is also there making things more complicated for Kate. Breege knows Kate thinks she wants to tell Baz so she tries to keep Baz at the store even offering coffee to delay him more. Kate immediately intercepts, she makes Baz go with her to the beach instead. Poor Baz, he had no idea the women kept tossing him around, one tries to make him stay while the other needs to take him out.
When they get to the beach before Baz gets off the car, he had to talk about the big elephant in the room, why did she leave the way she did? Kate left because the holidays were over, besides he was going off to Hawaii. Baz tells her she was a reason for him to have stayed, it just felt like unfinished business. 
Noreen has a talk with Mike about fighting with Callum, the way he threw his son out of the bar has the town talking. Big Mike insists Callum keeps disrespecting him, calling him out on his radio show, he has to look out for the interest of the people. Noreen insists her husband makes up with there son.  

Kate goes To see Danny, he is a fisherman, with her charm Kate is able to get him to talk about the     Windfarm. Danny thinks those turbines would scare the fishes away, they would have to go deeper into the Spanish sea to get any fish and eventually drive them out of the business. Once the fishermen are together on a decision there is no changing it. Kate has more work to do than she realized.
Kate goes back to Breege’s store so they can sit and talk. Breege thinks she wants to buy her off so she doesn’t tell Baz about Conor but Kate wants to mend their friendship, be pals again. While they are talking, Sigrid calls Kate, a call she has to go outside to take.

Even though Kate had informed Poppy earlier that Conor doesn’t like the water, Poppy and Conor still go surfing. Just like Kate said, Conor couldn’t get a hang of the board, he and Poppy just had fun trying to teach him to surf. When Poppy asks him about his Dad, all Conor knows is he doesn’t have one, his mom couldn’t wait to meet someone so she got a donor.
Kate met Kelly Callum’s ex-wife while she was talking to Noreen about the town hall meeting on Monday, they would know more about the wind farm fiasco. Kelly is a superficial young woman and expects things to be done in certain ways, her appearance is her biggest asset.

Poppy took Conor to meet Baz. Baz's comments about Kate being vigorous and how she gets when she loosens up gives Conor the impression that they dated. With a bit of convincing from Poppy Baz agrees to teach Conor surfing even though his mum says the water is not his thing.
Later that night, Conor informs Kate he met her ex-boyfriend, she never told him about, he would be teaching him surfing. The idea of Conor and Baz hanging out together wasn't something Kate contemplated when she took the job.

Kate gets an email from the London University of Design and Photography concerning the second installment fees overdue, another reason to light up a cigarette as she normally does when Kate needs to clear her head or take a breather. The moment she sees Callum she quickly drops the cigarette and acts like she was just taking a break from her run.
Callum loves green energy but it is hard convincing the people around here that, he invites Kate to come on his radio show later today, maybe someone else can convince the community about the project.

Baz returned the mugs Breege gave to him and Kate but noticed Breege has been on the edge lately. Breege opens up about her marriage it is about Stefen’s refusal to have children, he keeps spending more time with new recipes than with her. 

Kate is at Callum’s radio show to talk about the benefits of the wind farm project. Everyone is listening as well as Big Mike and Noreen. Mike calls in and Kate gives suitable responses that Callum uses against his father on radio, at least she is not a councilman that cannot stand for anything.
Big Mike has to have a talk with Noreen about Kate sticking her nose in their local business after the radio broadcast, he would not sit around and let some outsider tell the town what to do, he knows a politician when he sees one maybe next election she would come banging on their doors asking for votes then Noreen would vote for her. 

Kate and Conor are taking a walk in the sands when they run into Baz and Poppy. Baz already has a nickname for Conor, Ryano and Kate doesn’t really like that. Conor left with Poppy and Baz to catch a surf although Kate would have wanted him to spend the time with her instead of Baz.

Kate has a meeting with Morten but when she got to the guesthouse Breege was already there with a bottle of wine and whiskey to catch up on old times.
Breege wants to know why she didn’t tell her about Conor he was 3 at that time of her wedding, she could have said something.  Kate was confused so she just left for Dublin. Breege felt really hurt like she was done with her little town girl so she left. Kate apologizes for leaving the way she did and not keeping in touch.
While Breege is in the restroom, Kate got the messages Morten sent her and is about to leave but Breege came out and immediately says her marriage is in trouble, she finally let it out. Kate wouldn’t be heading out anymore.

By the end of Part 2, the people of Carrigeen still want the Norsks out after Callum’s convincing speech at the town hall meeting on how the wind farm would help their town. Danny is the first to start the chant, 'No Norsks.'
Breege suggests to Kate that she tells Conor the truth about his father, she might not know anything about being a parent but telling Conor the truth is better for him than hearing it from someone else.

Morten tells the people that 20% dividend is to help the community, NorskVentus wants to enable the community to grow and in a way they would be part owners of the business. It is doing the right thing to also get the benefit from. Big Mike takes the floor to reminds the foreigners they cannot be making decisions in a Carrigeen issue, how do they know the farms are safe? Morten assures them that it would not be in NorskVentus interest if their safety is in jeopardy.
Teddy Lawson takes the floor to talk about the 20% dividends, It is worthless because their offer would only begin in 3years. This company thinks they are fools and are taking them for a ride, they either make a louder noise or go home.

Kate came for the meeting when Callum called for show of hands and was disappointed that she did not show up in time. The people vote against the Norsks and their votes have it.
Both Morten and Callum leave Kate standing outside with how disappointed they are.

Meanwhile, Conor and Baz continue to spend more time with each other, he tells Kate his second nickname for Conor, Conman. Conor tells his mum Baz says he has potential and in a couple of days he would be a pro. Kate is having her world fall from under her, she is too distraught to listen to what Conor was telling her.


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