'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'The South Westerlies' Recap: Season 1 Episode 1

The South Westerlies kicks off with Kate Ryan the main protagonist gets a new job at NorskVentus. A job Kate is really eager to begin giving all the packages they have for her. She and Morten, a friend of hers and also an employee of the company meet up to walk into the building together. Morten misses headquarters, he has been on an assignment in Carrigeen for a while now. 

The excitement to work in NorskVentus waters down when they get to Arvid, the boss's office. He quickly gives Kate the news, they are sending her to Carrigeen to handle a situation that arose there.  NorskVentus ae about to set up a wind farm in that community but some people are against it, they have threatened to file a lawsuit against the company if they go ahead with the project. Kate is tasked with the assignment of finding the people instigating the lawsuit, lobby them, and make them drop their claim against the company. They chose Kate due to her history with the place, she would be working undercover for the company as a tourist with no attachment to the company, she is to work under Morten while stationed there. Kate doesn't want to take on the assignment but Arvid and his daughter Sigrid tell her the offer would still remain but the pay would drastically reduce as well as the covering for her son's education, she should think of it as a working holiday.

Kate and her son Conor drive to Carrigeen, they have a good relationship and as Kate later mentioned in the series, Conor is the only man in her life. Conor isn’t particularly happy to move to a play as small as Carrigeen but plays along for Kate.
On their ride into the town, they witness their first protest at NorskVentus as Morten is trapped inside the office building looking on. Their placards and voices clearly express their disapproval for the wind farm project.
Conor and Kate get to their hotel and are informed their booking came late due to the poor network. Mrs. Kelleher kept a twin room for them that Kate takes since it would be difficult to get another place in Carrigeen at this time of the year.
Conor leaves Kate to take a look at the town while Kate stays back to work but cannot get any network so she heads out with Mrs. Kelleher.
While walking through the protest at NorskVentus, Kate begins her job by asking Mrs. Kelleher why the people are protesting? Noreen says most of the people think the wind farm project is a bad idea for the town but she cannot destroy a gift horse, the guesthouse would be filled if they begin building.
Kate sees an old friend Baz signing the petition again the Windfarm and immediately remembers her friend that has a cafe down the street in order to avoid running into him. 
Breege isn't so happy to see Kate after all these years, the last time she saw her was at her wedding and then fours later before Kate cut communications from her. Kate does blame Breege so much for giving her the cold shoulder.
Conor went by the river to take some photos while taking landscape photos of the beach, he takes some of a surfer, she noticed him and his camera.
Morten sent Kate an email of their plan, NorskVentus is offering to pay 20% dividends when the project begins. Kate calls Morten on a Skype call to talk about the dividends, they did not inform her about this glitch, the people get to gain anything only when the project has started running. Due to the bad network in the guesthouse the video is interrupted, Kate takes the break to go have a smoke outside.

She meets Baz again after trying to avoid him earlier. Unlike Kate, Baz is happy to see her again in town. The moment she sees Conor approaching, she caught their conversation in order to quickly go inside, Baz shouldn't know Conor is her son. Baz still heard Conor calling her mum even though she tried escaping it.

Kate now more than ever wants to leave, this job is not for her. Conor has to talk his mother out of it, she should step away from the suitcase and take a breather. Kate and Conor head for the town pub ran by Big Mike and also one of the councilmen.
Big Mike tells Kate he does not have a problem with the Windfarm and their turbines but as a councilman, he has to look into the demands of the people.
Conor bumps into Poppy, the same surfer from earlier at the pool. The two hit it off immediately after Poppy agrees to see the landscape pictures he too.

Kate also meets Mike’s son Callum after his father Big Mike threw him and Danny out for fighting in his bar. Callum is violently pro Windfarm, he thinks it would be good for Carrigeen. Kate quickly acquaints herself with him.
Early the next morning, Sigrid wakes Kate demanding for updates after just a day they got the town. Kate still goes on to tell her about the people she met, quite a few want the Windfarm to continue, like the Kellehers. Kate also brings up the 20% dividend and how this might affect the project., the people might want to be paid upfront, this would give them a strong bargaining chip. Sigrid tells her the company cannot stretch out resources for that now, she should sell the idea of the 20% dividend. 
Sigrid and Arvid her father meet to talk, he wants her to make sure Kate feels the pressure, she needs the money. Sigrid tells her dad to give her time, it’s just been her second day there.

Breege finds out through Big Mike that Conor is Kate’s son and age is particularly surprised.
Morten is getting really worried, Sigrid hasn’t reached out to him but Kate has gotten a call already. Morten seems to believe the town seems to have a problem with developers, projects that would have taken place in Carrigeen is always stopped in the works. 
Kate took a dive into the beach after she got the list of those against the Windfarm project.
When she got out, Baz came to meet her while she is changing, he is also a surfer. Their history together keeps makes Kate anxious to leave in order not to bring up the past. 
Kate went back to the cafe to settle things with Breege, she has been upset over the fact that Kate moved and could not call or write to her, left her wondering if she did something wrong, she did not even tell her she has a son. Breege finally realized that Kate decided to cut communications to keep Conor a secret, he is Baz's son. 


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