'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Tyler Perry The Oval' Recap: Season 1 Episode 23

This week on The Oval. Richard is furious while Barry tries to understand why his mother did not tell them, they are just one year apart. When Barry leaves the room Nancy tells Richard she is so sorry, she got pregnant while he was on Tour of Duty and gave Picky to her sister. Richard can see why they don’t have savings all these years, she had been giving it to her sister.
Nancy has one more secret she boldly keeps, Picky’s father. When Richard asks who the father is Nancy refuses, she wouldn’t tell him. Richard is hurt, he wants Nancy to leave if she wouldn’t tell him who Picky's father is but Nancy insists on staying with him. For a woman who had an affair while married to Richard then allowed her baby to be raised all those years by her sister unknown to her husband, Nancy meets all the expectations of a hypocrite in the way she handled Barry's situation. Always claiming they should allow Barry do the right thing when she had skeletons in her closet.
The damage from Nancy’s confession hurts more than the bullet Richard took to his chest and now more than ever Richard would rather be in the hospital bed, The doctor finally allows him to go home but should be on rest and not do any heavy lifting.
Don is eating dinner alone when he sees the news about two agents that were found shot at a store. One is dead while the other is being taken to the hospital. Don calls Kyle to explain the news to him but he is already outside his door, Kyle knew Lilly is not home, she is at that motel again and he thinks a professional is helping her so he came.
Kyle also has a cover story to spin the shooting of Yuma and Max. They were both seeing the girl and had a fight over it, there are videos of Denise coming out of both their cars.
While Don and Kyle are kissing, the president calls Don about his press secretary. Kyle moves down for Don’s pants while he talks to the president.
Hunter called to complain about Diana, she accused Ellie of sleeping with him in the oval and has a yellow pantie she is getting DNA sample for. Don can barely concentrate on the call with what Kyle is doing so he quickly tells Hunter he would send Kyle over first thing in the morning to check it out. Don was being as honest as he could be given his current state.
Sam goes home to his sleeping wife to try to sleep with his wife again but gets turned down with the same excuse Priscilla has been given him, she is too tired and wants to sleep. While Sam is trying one more time to convince her with his Hard-on the doorbell rings. It is Nancy with her suitcase.
She tells Priscilla Picky is her son, she had him while married to Richard during his Tour of Duty. Priscilla is shocked by the news but is there for Nancy. She promises to not tell Sam and lets her stay for the night.
Kareem is able to convince Sharon to spend the night at his place instead of her sister’s with a kiss. After refusing for a while knowing what they both would be doing in Kareem’s place Sharon agrees but they have to go get her stuff from the Hallsens since Barry is not there.
Victoria gets a call that her mother is on the line but before she takes it, she asks the staff to check to Hunter, and if Ellie signed out already.
Victoria had earlier called her mother to report Gayle’s situation with the emancipate issue. Victoria’s mum to the rescue, she should get Gayle and Jason ready tomorrow. They need to take both of them. Victoria agrees.
Gayle calls Brian late in the night to convince him to help her get out of the house, they were lying. Brian would only get involved if she gets more proof. After the video call, Gayle goes down to the kitchen to get something to eat.
Victoria gets a call confirming Ellie hasn’t checked out yet so she knows where she might be and with who.
While Gayle is In the kitchen, Victoria enters. She knew she would come out of the room soon. Gayle says she hates her mother for the umpteenth time this season, she got a lawyer because of what she did to her. Victoria is not bothered about her tantrums rather she tells says her grandmother would be coming to get her tomorrow morning. Gayle insists she is not going anywhere, her lawyer would be coming to meet her tomorrow. Victoria doesn’t say much, she knows her mother doesn’t take no for an answer.

Richard and Barry are back home. Barry tries to convince his father his mum is good without knowing the facts of what happened. Richard tells his son he has been faithful to his mother for 30 years but she cheated on him while he was on Tour of Duty with a man she wouldn’t tell him about. Barry was faithful to Sharon too but she did not care about it. While they are talking, Sharon’s phone rings so Barry takes it. She is in the house and Kareem is outside. Barry insists he is cool now, he just wants to talk to her. Richard reminds his son he is out of favors and Barry knows that.
Barry goes to talk to Sharon but this time he is not angry. Sharon says he made it easy for her to sleep with Kareem because he kept hurting her. When Sharon leaves the room Barry says he is sorry. He knows he hurt her but he is willing to do better. Barry understands if she decides to leave with Kareem but he really needs her. Sharon and Barry make up.
While Priscilla and Nancy are talking in the guest room, Sam walks in naked but immediately covers himself with his towel when he sees Nancy.
Sharon goes to tell Kareem in his car that she wants to stay. Kareem is not having it and orders her to get out of his car and go be with him, let him take care of her with his drug money. He also fires her from the store.
Priscilla wouldn’t sleep with Sam when Nancy next door. There is nothing Sam does that can convince Priscilla, she even calls him selfish. Priscilla hasn’t been turning Sam down because she is tired but rather she doesn’t want too and the real question is why?
Ellie finally reveals she still has her black panties on when she opens her dress to tease Hunter in the Oval. Hunter and Ellie do nothing because Ellie wouldn’t have sex with him yet although she does the introductory part by revealing her underwear to him. Before leaving the Oval, Ellie meets a fierce Victoria outside, she slaps Ellie and pulls her back to Hunter.


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