'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Tyler Perry The Oval' Recap: Season 1 Episode 24

Ellie can really flip the switch, from the bad girl that just took her clothes off before Hunter to a naive innocent girl trying to convince Victoria she wasn’t sleeping with her husband. Ellie tells Victoria she only came to tell the president about the yellow panties her boss found here thinking she was the owner, she would never sleep with her boss. Victoria orders her to get out even though she knows she is lying.
Hunter informs Victoria the panties were not hers they were Denise’s. The Franklins have another problem in their hands.
Hunter tells Victoria he was trying to get information from Ellie about the panties when she swamped in with all her glory. Diana has the panties and she would find out it belongs to Denise. Victoria wants him to handle it this time, she is tired of all his issues. It is time Hunter begins to handle his issues and not just create them and run to his wife for help.
Before Victoria leaves Hunter says she owes Ellie an apology, she did not do anything. Victoria knows her kind, she might not have done anything yet but she knows her kind and her husband is the devil.
Barry and Sharon are asking each other tough questions so Sharon asks Barry if he is selling drugs. Barry is about to head out of the house and Sharon says she has to go to Kareem to see if she can get her job back. Barry doesn’t want to talk about Kareem but Sharon makes him tell her how he really feels. Every time she goes there he would remember him touching and having sex with what is his, it would take a while for him to forget. Sharon then asks Barry if he is selling drugs? Barry wouldn’t answer that, she should not ask him something like that again.
Before Barry leaves the house to go check out the places Jamal told him about, he calls Sam. Sam informs him Nancy is in his house and would make arrangements for somewhere they can meet to talk since Barry has something important to tell him.
Ellie is back at the office in a blue dress this time and her boss Diana is in pink, the irony of the choice of colors the women took to wear to the office today. Ellie gets a letter on her desk from the president with an address so faint to make sense out of while Diana is grumpy. She wants her coffee and immediately goes to Don’s office after Joe her FBI guy says she would get the results of the DNA by noon.
Priscilla tries to get Jean to tell her what is going on with her but Jean is too scared to say anything. He told her it was top secret and she would get into trouble if she says anything about it. Priscilla wants to know who told her that and even wants to get Sam involved. Priscilla seems to only use Sam when it is convenient to help people. Jean still insists on not saying anything so she wouldn’t get Sam involved. While they are talking, Victoria comes to ask Jean to get her children parked, they would be going away for a few days.
Jean is packing Gayle’s things as instructed Gayle tries to ask what she found out about Picky. Jean did not find anything so if she wants to report her on what she said she can go right ahead.
Diana finally meets with Don after Allen tried to delay her a bit on behalf of his girlfriend.

Don knows about the panties and wants her to call the DNA test off and give it to him immediately. Diana pretends to call her friend Joe in Don’s presence telling him to stop the examination, she would come to get it herself but when Diana goes back into her office she tells Joe to continue and only give the results to no one else but her.
Meanwhile, Ellie tells Allen how Hunter wants to make her the new state secretary and he is amazed as to how she got the job in such short notice.
Kyle goes to meet Victoria as requested, he tells her to calm down they are taking care of the president, the mattress has been burnt. Kyle even shows her a video with him on it, he would be seen as an accomplice if the video gets out. Victoria knows him, he wants to take her men because Kyle likes a challenge, indeed Kyle likes a challenge and wants the President. Victoria says he should go for it, Hunter is a freak and would like it.
Kareem did not fire Sharon In fact he gives her back her job when she comes to talk to him about their love triangle. Kareem says he and Michelle never broke up, he lied to have fun with her. When Sharon says she only came for her money Kareem leaves it at that and gives her the job back. Why can’t Barry and Kareem let this girl go?
Don allows Kyle to take care of his wife when Kyle hands him a report of Lilly filing for divorce. Don informs him of the Diana problem and Kyle is willing to spin the yellow panties any way. He could say Max took her into the Oval to impress her or Yuma.
Allen informs Don that The president is interviewing Ellie as the new press secretary and Don immediately heads to the Oval to handle that.
Hunter always makes decisions with his pants, not with his head. When Don and Diana enter the Oval while Hunter is talking to Ellie, Hunter fires Diana and puts Ellie as the new press secretary. Don tries to talk to Hunter but as President, he has made his decision.

Outside the Oval, Diana is furious, she left over 500 jobs to come to take this humiliation from the president. Don says he would talk to him on her behalf. Don should have learned by now that there is no talking to Hunter when it comes to women.
Meanwhile, Ellie takes the president with her body for the promotion.
Jean gets the shorthand of the stick when she goes into Jason’s room to pack his things as Victoria ordered. While Jean is at it, Jason forcefully rapes Jean, he needs to feel better, they are meant to make them feel better.


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