'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Tyler Perry The Oval' Recap: Season 1 Episode 25 Season Finale

After Jason had his way with Jean he begs her to keep quiet, if she tells anyone they would put him away, he would get her money. Jean agrees so he would let go of her but when she gets free from his grip Jean tries to call for help.
Jason pulls her back and in the bid to keep her quiet he strangles Jean to death. While Jason feels remorse for what he did he says he never wanted to do this again, the question is do what again? Was Jason the person that killed Denise? Remember he told his father he saw her that day.
Jason hides Jean's body under his bed the moment his mother comes to call him out that his grandmother is here. Jason did not want to go but after what he did. he quickly takes his suitcase to leave when Victoria enters the room. Talk about how you get away with murder, take your bags, and leave after killing someone.

Don takes Diana into his office to try and talk to her, he knows what the president is trying to do is wrong but he would talk to him. Diana has a lot on the Franklins so she angrily gives Don 24hrs to make this right.
Victoria has her eyes on Sam. She called him to come help get Gayle out of the toilet but takes the chance she gets to flirt with him. Knowing he and Priscilla haven’t been intimate in a while Victoria intends to use that to her advantage.

Don enters the Oval right when Ellie is leaving and Hunter is still undressed. Hunter does not want to hear his criticisms rather Hunter insists Ellie is the one for the Press Secretary position. Don tries to tell him the entire country is way too big to be on Ellie’s shoulders she is not qualified for the part. Hunter says she is well qualified giving all she did in his office. Diana is threatening to bring down the administration and Hunter does not care about that, he says it is Don’s problem even reminding him he is President when it suits him. Hunter is one hell of a President, he hides behind everyone else to clean his mess, does no actual work but sleep around with anything in skirts then pull the rank of President when he wants to have his way.
Sam is still mad at Priscilla after last night, it’s been weeks and they haven’t had sex. Priscilla blames it on Nancy being in the house but they both know if she wasn’t there it would not have happened. Priscilla keeps acting like Sam is on something that has been getting him this horny but ignores how she has helped in creating the problem.
Nancy goes home to talk to Richard but he has her things packed. The identity of Picky’s father is an issue Richard isn’t letting go off and Nancy wouldn’t tell him who the father is. She insists on not leaving the house so Richard says he would make her life a living hell here if she decides to stay.

Victoria did not get her crazy from anywhere other than her mother even Gayle can see how scared she gets whenever her mother is around. Victoria’s mum says she would get the things she calls children in line then she would come to deal with her later. After she leaves, Victoria sinks into the couch, she can breathe again.
Barry meets Ruth again while watching some of the Racaducious people. He asks grabs, Ruth, to ask where their daughter is? Ruth says the Highest has her and she is better with him. Barry isn’t having it, he takes Ruth with him to the police in a bid to find his daughter.
Sam finally gives into Victoria’s temptations. She called him into her bathroom while wearing only her nighties to talk about arranging a workout section for her. When Victoria goes for the kill she could see Sam becoming hard from her touches so she unzips his trousers.

Diana gives a grand exit after getting fired. She goes into the press room and informs the press of Hunter’s philandering in the White House while Don helpless watches from the door. Diana doesn’t hold back on anything, she says how Ellie slept the President to get her job and the Yellow panties she found in the office that belongs to a dead girl with the semen of a White man with brown hair. Max does not have black hair so Kyle can spin his story. Diana also exposes the fact that Hunter has not read any brief or had any cabinet meeting yet and if she is found dead or anything happens to her, they should investigate the president.

Hunter sees the press conference from his tablet and immediately runs to the press room but Don stops him before he does something even more foolish.
Back in the Oval, Hunter fires Don, it is all his fault for telling him to hire Diana.
When Don leaves, Kyle talks to Hunter on Don’s behalf, he is willing to protect him with all he has and can fix this. Hunter reconsiders and gives Don his job back.
Ellie seems good at her job, she immediately goes to talk to the press informing them of Diana’s medical history, she is bipolar and also takes weed, the Whitehouse physician is attending to her as they speak. Even Don is speechless watching her.
Ms. Laurel one of the maids go to Priscilla to ask about Jean, she hasn’t seen her since she went to help the children pack. Priscilla says she would look into it.
Sam has had enough of Victoria so he pulls himself from her but he is still hard. Victoria feels humiliated, she hates this place but asks Sam that they finish, no one would know. Sam would know so he takes himself out of the room.
Right outside the bedroom, Sam meets the last person he would want to see him like this, Priscilla. Priscilla apologizes for being selfish and is willing to cook him dinner tonight. Sam keeps backing her but finally turns to face his wife. Sam immediately covers her mouth to go explain things to her. Meanwhile, Victoria was eavesdropping the whole time.
Ms. Laurel goes into Jason's bedroom to clean. She finds Jean’s body under the bed.

Tyler Perry left Season one with so many cliffhangers, enough to make us anticipate the release of the second season of The Oval. 
There are a lot of questions, who killed Denise? Who was Picky's father? Which of the agents was alive after the shooting? Who is actually selling drugs between Kareem and Barry?  What happens to Gayle and Jason? Who is Victoria's father? The people Kyle and Don are working for? Your guess is as good as mine, we all have to wait till season 2 to get those answers.


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