'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'The Family Business' Recap: Season 2 Episode 2

This week on The Family Business, Sonya and Junior are in her apartment having steamy sex while Brother Elijah and two of his fellow brothers cinematically make their way upstairs. In the peak of their moment, the bell rings and Sonya reluctantly leaves to go open the door.

There are gunshots but not in Sonya’s apartment or building rather Elijah and his boys were hired to kill a white man leaving an X card on him while Sonya got flowers from Junior. {For a second there I thought another Duncan was going down tonight}.
While the Duncans are having breakfast, Rio comes to join them. He is waiting for Paris to pick which shoe she wants to wear before they go to Miami. The doorbell rings and London goes to get it. It is Aunt Danna Lou’s wife {Played by Lisa Raye }.
Danna decides to wait in the hallway for LC rather than join the family for breakfast, she does not want to get Chivee up her ass for being her house uninvited, Sasha comes down the stairs and sees her mother.

Dana begins to act like the mother of the year when she did not even call Sasha on her birthday, she cannot believe Sasha has been in town for the past 5 months and has been living here and her own mother did not know she was back. Chivee to the rescue, defending Sasha as she would her children. It is interesting to see Chivee come out of character sometimes ready to pull Danna’s blonde wig and feed it to her if she calls her a bitch one more time. The confrontation ends when LC comes in.
Danna came to talk to LC about her husband’s estate. LC informs her the reading of Lou’s will is tomorrow, whatever she wants she can wait till then. Danna would be seeing him tomorrow. Before she leaves, she dramatically tells Sasha she needs to come by her house, they need to talk.
Sasha is an intelligent, cold-hearted assassin but when it comes to her mother she freights like a teenage girl.
Elijah and his men drop their next victim with a slit to his throat in broad daylight. His claims of being a mademan do not stop them. Like the first white guy, they leave an X on him.
The real reason Chivee gets agitated whenever Danna shows up is because of an age long-secret between Danna and Chivee. While London and her mum go out for drinks London understands why her mother gets the way she does, Danna feels she is better than her because Chivee took their dad from her. Chivee did not know her children knew this, I guess you can never hide anything from your kids.
Chivee encourages London to go back to work, she didn’t send her to college just to be a housewife like her. London is skeptical about what Harris would say but Chivee insists she shouldn’t let any man hold her back, she is too smart for that.
With a little nudge from Rio, Paris calls her fine boyfriend Niles {Christian Keyes}, the last time they spoke he was in Germany, he travels a lot.

Niles is in a winery when Paris calls and invites her to Platja De Migjorn,  Spain to come be with him. Paris is excited and also asks if Rio can come. Niles doesn’t have a problem with it, she can come with whoever she wants as long as they like to have a good time.
After the call, while Paris and Rio are in Miami excited about having a good time, Niles hands over the gun to his client, he just killed two people for.
LC is having a meeting with Harris and Orlando when London comes to sell her idea about buying a farm, they used to play on when they were kids. Harris is quick to disapprove the idea but LC is willing to look at it if she has an airtight proposal that would benefit the family and London does not have that now. Harris wants her to be the housewife that she is, make the bed, make breakfast, and check the kids.
Consuela and Nevada continue to bond and this time playing video games when London storms in grumbling about men. After sending Nevada out, Consuela gives London a pep talk or rather something that would make her forget about Harris, and whoever, Gummybells, she would be fine in 20 mins.

The brotherhood are ready to move on with their next plan. Brother Elijah informs his brothers after prayers they can proceed on Duncan.
London and Consuela might be going into the marijuana business after she had the gummy bear Consuela gave her. It is legal and profitable.
Rio meets with Sebastian. Although their dad sent them to work, Rio still finds time to have a good time with Sebastian on his boat.
Danna and her lawyer Jamal go to Harris's office to join LC and Sasha for the Will reading. Lou left a video as well as a handwritten copy of his Will. He left his vintage car collection to his brother then gave Danna some properties and about 5million in his savings account.

Majority of his assets he leaves to Sasha, his shares in Duncan motors, properties, and all his money both abroad and in the country. Danna greedy selfish ass would not let her take what Lou left, he shouldn’t have left all that money to Sasha, he would have left it to her she was his wife. Sasha does not say anything throughout her mother’s continuous blabbing. Her lawyer wants to file a motion placing the company on receivership pending the contention in court but LC says he should not do anything he would regret.
London takes her first step into being an investor for legalized Marijuana in New York when she attends a seminar former New York City councilman Ronald Sims.
Rio had a good time with Sebastian last night he left Paris to sleep in her car. He was able to find out Sebastian would be having a meeting in Platja De Migjorn, the same city Niles invited them too. Rio and Paris are not one to believe in coincidences so she better look into what Niles does.
London takes her proposal for legalized Marijuana to LC Duncan, Orlando, and Nevada before their trip to Daytona. Her idea for the farm is to go into the production of legalized Marijuana, if legalization doesn’t work, they can still get some farmers to work there and clean money. Nevada likes the idea as well as LC, but LC says he would get back to her when they come back from Daytona.
LC, Chivee, Nevada, and Orlando go to Daytona to the world center of racing and hand a charity cheque of 1 million dollars as an appreciation for all the work Ms. Harris has been doing for the youths.
Junior and Sonya are having a romantic dinner at a fine restaurant. Junior is so madly in love with Sonya, he never loved another woman like he loves her and is about to propose when Brother Elijah man and his brothers come to interrupt their dinner. They have a message from Brother Xavior that he stops fornicating with his wife, if he refuses to stop then he should put his affairs together, his stay on earth would be short. A perfect way to end a proposal.


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