'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Unbroken' Recap: Season 1 Episode 214

Today in Unbroken. Nafike goes to help with Dabota at the hotel. He is able to stitch Dabota up but Iyoma should take her to a hospital. Nafike is worried about Iyoma, he heard Dabota was involved in the robbery, she knows his history with the police, he does not want to get back there. Iyoma knows to keep her mouth shut, he should do the same too. Nafike would keep quiet but she should take her to the hospital. Iyoma would take it from here.

Atinuke is with Abimbola in the house talking about Atinuke's move to Abuja. Atinuke then asks of Tivdo and Iyoma, she would like to say hi to Iyoma. While they are still talking, Iyoma enters the house. She greets her mother and Atinuke. Atinuke spots blood on Iyoma's top and Iyoma explains that she caught herself while trying to open a can. Atinuke begins to interrogate her, she tells her mother the truth, did she meet with Dabota? Abimbola defends her daughter, Iyoma does not know anything and she would leave her alone. Iyoma tells them she too wants Dabota to be arrested and she has not contacted her.
When Iyoma leaves to her room, Abimbola warns Atinuke to not interrogate her daughter, she knows Dabota is a danger to Iyoma but she would not have her threaten her daughter.

Jesse and Kosi are outside burning the things Ademide got her. Kosi wants her to keep some of the things but Jesse insists that she burns it all. He kept telling her she had to be a better person. she had to open up to him and she believed that he loved her like a fool. Jesse decides that she would burn it all to the ground if she does not get back what is hers she would burn it all down.
Ohimai and Diana finish a video call with Ehi. Diana does not think Ehi likes her. Ohimai says she likes her, they both had a call together. Ohimai suggests that sends her a private message later to help them have a relationship.
While they are talking, Diana informs Ohimai Kiki has been in touch with her. Ohimai does not want her to contact Kiki, he does not want that kind of person around her. Kosi enters the house to meet them arguing, she supports Ohimai too in condemning Kiki. Diana cannot believe they are acting like they have never made a wrong decision in their life, some of them are looking for this family they keep throwing away.
Jesse and Tivdo are in her house. She thanks him for helping her with this. Tivdo tells her that's what friends do, he knows she would do the same for him too. While they are talking, Kosi enters the house. Kosi first asks her if FK has called her? Jesse makes excuses for her again, she might be busy or something. Kosi cannot believe she is still defending FK after all this. Jesse tells her that she would not allow herself to be a bitter woman, it was Ademide that wronged her not FK. She would not write anyone off until she has facts.
Tivdo suggests that she stays away from Ademide for now, they would figure all of this together.
Nafike meets FK in her car. FK is upset that she cannot see her boyfriend because of his mother and how she would react. She knows his mother is important to him and she is worried that he would never choose her. Nafike assures her that would never happen, he loves her and he would find a way for them to get along.
Tivdo goes to see Tallulah, she has been avoiding him. Tallulah pulls off the necklace he gave her, she and Jeff are getting really serious and she does not want to ruin it. Tallulah gives him the necklace, Jeff asked her to marry him. Tivdo does not see what this has to do with that, she does not have a ring. Tallulah tells him she wanted to think about it, the short period she has known Tivdo, he has made some really questionable decisions. She has known Jeff for a while now and he is consistent, kind, and stable. She mentioned everything except love because love is overrated. Tivdo tells her she is right about everything. He was engaged to his best friend, married someone else, and was sleeping with her while he chased her. Tivdo gives her the necklace back, it belongs to her.

Nafike tries to talk to Nse about FK. She cannot continue to avoid FK, she is his girlfriend and she should find a way to get along with her. Nse says she would not get along with her, she is evil and she would rather avoid her. Nafike insists that she better find a way to get along with FK or she would live alone for the rest of her life.

Eddie called the driver Ohimai gave instructions too to ask him about the shipment. The driver tells him he does not know what is inside. While Eddie is trying to make the driver talk, Scabadah enters with a gun. Eddie begins to beg as the other driver runs for his life. Scabadah makes him call Justice.Scabadah grabs the phone from Eddie to tell Justice he should have killed him. Justice knows he is in trouble.

Ademide and Banjo are in his office talking about their clients when Jesse enters the office. Banjo is about to tell Jesse he is not aware of a meeting when Ademide tells him to leave, he would take it from her. Jesse goes straight to take her things in the office. Ademide tells her she does not have to do this, he can have someone take these things to her new office, the COO position is still open if she wants it. Jesse slaps him. Ademide knows he deserved that, he loves her even though the whole situation may not look good. Jesse knows he is still lying if he loves her he should step down. Ademide says he is sorry he cannot do that. Jesse knows he is not sorry yet, she Jesse Jangfa would make him sorry.
Next on Unbroken: FK tells Jesse to get out of her restaurant or she would show her what she can do with a broken bottle.


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