'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Unbroken' Recap: Season 1 Episode 211

Today's episode of Unbroken. Iyoma playfully tells her brother he should have told her he has started walking. Abimbola also tells him he made her happy by walking her as he promised too. Terfa is also proud of his son. They are about to go for dinner when Marcus comes in. With Marcus frequent visits to the house, Terfa has to ask him if it is Voight that makes him come here or something else. Iyoma immediately cut in, they can go without her she would join them later.
After Terfa, Abimbola and Tivdo leaves, Iyoma tells Marcus that he should have called before coming, they are having a family dinner. At that moment, Dabota calls Iyoma for them to meet, she would send her the address. Marcus tries to make her not go but Iyoma tells him he does not tell her what to do.
FK is at the restaurant when Nafike comes to join her to talk about the fact that he just told her he loves her in the car and she did not say anything. FK says she really likes him but she does not think she is ready for the L word yet. Nafike reminds her that like is also spelled with an L. FK rephrases, she was referring to the Big L.
Iyoma meets with Dabota. She does not want to have anything to do with her rather she wants her ring and she can go to hell for all she cares. While Dabota is trying to make her understand she did not plan the robbery, Marcus comes out. Dabota immediately goes to hide. Iyoma cannot believe he followed her here. Iyoma calls her mother back, he is not the police he is just her colleague. When Dabota comes back to meet them, Timothy pulls up in a van. One of the men inside grab Dabota and in the struggle, Marcus is hurt. Iyoma immediately goes after the van to get back her ring, she would come back for Marcus later.
Jesse and Kosi are in her house. Jesse calls Ademide, it's been a while they hung out or did something together. Jesse tries to invite him over so they can do something together but Ademide tells her he is busy right now. After the call, Jesse tells Kosi she might have messed up with Ademide after the incident at Tivdoo''s house, Ademide might have thought she cared about Tivdo too much. Kosi is trying to talk to her when Jeff comes into the house. Jeff came to find out if Tallulah came here because they had a fight. Jeff explains how he proposed to her and she left the house. Jesse thinks he should slow it down a bit, they just got together and he is proposing. Jeff informs her that he and Tallulah were together before. Kosi on the other hand supports him, if you really love someone there is no need waiting.
Nafike is with Nse in her house. He informs her that the hospital wanted to commit her but he took full responsibility for her health. Nafike tells her that they are supposed to be here for each other which means accepting each other's flaws. Nse brings up FK, she is not good for him she is a chameleon and he should stay away. Nafike warns his mother not to bring up FK again, he loves her and if he would be here then she should not bring up FK again. Nse cannot believe if she talks about this girl she would lose her son. Before retiring to her room to rest, Nse reminds her son that blood is thicker than water.
The police officers are at the Gyado house and Iyoma gives her statement. She explains to them how she and Marcus were with Dabota to get her ring when a van pulled up in front of them and took Dabota away. Marcus was hurt but she called an ambulance for him before going after the people to get her ring. The officers inform the Gyados they would put a surveillance team outside. Atinuke tells Abimbola she does not like as Iyoma is still in communication with Dabota, she would use her resources to help in finding her.
Timothy has Dabota tied up. He wants her to give up the whereabouts of Doshima. He does not care if they wanted to kill the Judge but he does not like being taken for a fool. Dabota insists she does not know where Doshima is. While Timothy is still with her, Atinuke calls him to ask of Dabota. Timothy lies, he does not know where Dabota is. After the call, Timothy begins to torture Dabota for information.
Iyoma is helping Tivdo move around in his crutches at the Gyado house. Tivdo takes the time to tell her she needs to stay away from Dabota, she is bad news. Iyoma knows, she just wants her ring back, her ring reminds her of Leon and she is not ready to let go yet. While Iyoma is talking to Tivdo about his thing with Tallulah, Jesse comes to the house and sees Tivdo on his feet. While Jesse is happy that he is walking again, Nafike enters. He too is happy for his friend, he can see he finally swallowed his pride and went for physiotherapy. Iyoma tells everyone that since they are all celebrating, they would have breakfast together.
Atinuke and Timothy meet in her car. Atinuke asks him of Dabota and Timothy tells her he does not know. There is a new order now and he does not answer to her anymore. Atinuke tries to warn Timothy not to cross her but Timothy makes her understand he is now the one in charge, not her.
Jesse goes into her office and finds Ademide having a meeting with Banjo and Engineer Maduka. Jesse is trying to find out what is going on when Patricia and Nandir come into the office. Jesse gets worried, what is going on, is her mother okay? Ademide offers her a seat and Jesse reminds him he is in her seat. Banjo informs her Ademide has the majority shares and the board would be recommending him as the new CEO in the next board meeting. Jesse cannot believe what she is hearing.
Next on Unbroken: Jesse chases Patricia and Nandir out of her house.


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