'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Tyler Perry The Oval' Recap: Season 1 Episode 13

This week's episode of The Oval after a long mid-season break, the series continued from where we left off. Barry is arrested for the knife that the officers found in his jacket. The dried blood and hair on it have Barry looking guilty but it wasn't his knife, he did not do anything. Richard would not let his son answer anything to the cops, he has a lawyer and is represented.
Nancy and Richard are contemplating how they would get their son out, another set of cops come by for the 911 call. Richard called them because someone committed suicide in their home. In a shocking twist of police brutality, Richard and Nancy are cuffed for reporting a suicide that took place in their house. While one cop is cuffing the Hallsens, the other one goes into the house to look at the scene. She immediately reports a homicide and needs back up immediately.

Back at the White House, President Hunter Franklin has a dead body in his bed. Finding Dennise beheaded was not something he expected to see after a visit to the bathroom. Hunter passes out from the horror.
Meanwhile, Kyle is still manning the president's door and decides to give Hunter 30 more minutes because he is a freak. If Kyle is still at the door, who else entered the bedroom and caught Dennise head off?
The lunch with Victoria's mum was a near disaster seeing how much Victoria feared her mother and Gayle's constant disrespect. She would rather be at the 'White Hell' than sit and have lunch with her mother after the Secret Service killed Picky. Jason, on the other hand, has no control over his creepiness. He has his zipper open in excitement watching how much Gayle hates their mother and Victoria's fear for her mother. Jason was masturbating the whole time, shaking the table while at it. Victoria's mother thinks she needs to stay more than she expected, there is a lot to handle here. Victoria knows what that means and does not think her mother should stay. The moment her mum says they all need therapy, she would call Dr. Rolling, Victoria becomes afraid. They don't need to call Dr. Rollings they would handle it.
Before leaving the restaurant, Victoria's mum expects a report on all of this from her daughter by tomorrow or they are all going to therapy.
Back at the White House, Kyle gets radioed that the family is coming back so he has to stop the president's little fun. It is either Kyle did not do this and Hunter severed Dennise's head while under the influence of the drugs or a ghost slipped right past Kyle at the door and attacked Dennise. Kyle did a good job of making Dennise's death look like something he was not aware of.
As the duty of the secret service to clean up the mess of the president and cover it, Kyle is really efficient when it comes to things like this. First, he wakes a distraught Hunter up to go take a shower and watch off the blood on his body. Then he single-handedly cleans up the room and takes out Dennise's body like nothing happened there in the first place.

Bobby and Lilly meet up in her car. She has a meeting with the First Lady at the White House so he should make this quick. Bobby knows she doesn't trust him then hands her pictures of Don and Kyle together. Lilly had no idea Don was gay, it all makes sense now why he kept refusing to touch her. Bobby knew she had not had sex for a while not because he was told but the way she grabbed him in that restroom. He never had a woman grab him that much and it felt good.
All the Hallsen secrets are out in one day. When the detective arrives at the scene, Richard and Nancy are made to answer questions about the lady that killed herself at their home. The lady came in with Ruth and stole their grandbaby so it makes Nancy look like she killed her out of hate and anger. Richard wants his wife to not say anything again, they should take them in. One of the officers found stacks of money and the car with the bullet hole they have been looking for.

After seeing the cops at the Hallsen's house and the body, Ms. Jordy their neighbor quickly calls Sam to inform him Richard, Nancy, and Barry have been arrested and there was a dead body at the house. Sam would get on it immediately. Before leaving, Sam leaves Max with instructions. No staff should be allowed into the residence for the next 1hr and they should go dark. Max reminds him that the family would be back in 30minutes so there has to be a change of plans. Sam calls Kyle to give him 30minutes and they go dark in 10.

Back in the President's room, Kyle has been able to take charge of the situation and get Hunter dressed up to go to the Oval. The effect of the drugs has Hunter confused. Kyle makes him talk to him on the phone as he staggers his way back to the Oval. The room is back to how it was like nothing ever happened except the bottle of wine Kyle poured on the rug as a cover-up.
Max is in the control room watching President stagger back to his office. He is on to Kyle since he wants to take away his job lets see what you are up too.
All the resident staff has been asked to hold off on their jobs till they are cleared to return, no one is too use the West Wing. Max tells Priscilla to hold the elevator in the basement till he gives the all cleared.
The drive back to the White House isn't as scary as lunch. Jason wants his mother to explain why she and their dad bows down to her Parents like gods? Victoria is scared of her mother and they should all be too if they know what is good for them. Having been brought up in a family were she was the only black skin, Victoria tells Gayle she is just a waste of White Skin. All her family saw with her was another Negro.
While the Detective is interrogating Nancy about the dead Racaducios woman, a cop comes to call him out. He goes to Sam's car to talk to him personally.
Sam and the detective go way back, he owes him a favor and Sam calls it in. They don't have anything on the parents because from the look of thing the woman killed herself but Barry is a whole different game. He had a stack of cash in his room, they got him with a bloody knife they think is connected to the death of Ruth Hartman his ex-girlfriend and the bullet hole in his car is a match to a homicide they already investigating. As a favor to Sam, the detective agrees for him to take all of them, he would get a confession out of Barry and bring him in himself.

Everyone is always sorry when they get caught and Don his no exception. When Lilly entered Don's office, she tries to seduce him, get him to touch her but he would not, he is too busy for this now. The frustration and the truth make Lilly ask the million-dollar question. Why did you marry me? Don does not know where all of this is coming from. Lilly shows him the pictures, she was just his cover up for him and Kyle. At this point Don becomes sorry, he loves her and broke things off with Kyle before he met her.
Lilly wants a divorce but that's not going to happen. They would not let her divorce him, he had to marry into a political dynasty for the job. Lilly has no idea what is going on so Don would explain when he gets home, for now, she should act like everything is normal and see the First Lady.
Richard and Nancy are released because Sam vouched for them. Before they leave, the detective informs them Barry has a lot against him, and when they get the results of their test they would come to pick him up.
When Nancy and Richard get to Sam outside the station, Richard tells him what happened with the gun. Barry got a gun from Picky, they were struggling with it when it went off. Sam says that's an easy fix but Nancy has to go to the car so they can talk.
Sam informs Richard Picky is dead, they would say he borrowed Barry's car and shot that man, there is no need to lose another life. About the knife, Barry would explain all of that when he gets out.
At the White House, Kyle has done a clean job except for his beef with Max is about to come to bite him in his butt. At the service elevator, Kyle cannot get in because Max asked Priscila to hold it off till he gives the clear. When Kyle calls back the control room, Max is the one he speaks with. Max pretends not to has any idea why the elevator wouldn't open he would send maintenance but Kyle refuses. This was Max's plan all this while.

While Kyle is contemplating his next move, Jean comes down the elevator and wants to take the laundry from him but he orders her not to touch it. Jean spots the blood then raises the sheet to show Kyle the blood. It is Dennise's severed head.

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