'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Unbroken' Recap: Season 1 Episode 175

Today in Unbroken. Charity would not let her daughter be. Zua wants her to leave her house but Charity is not going anywhere, she cannot move a plot of Land. Charity calls her daughter ungrateful when she got all her beauty from her. Zua cannot believe her mother would be dragging beauty with her own child.

Zua still insists she leaves and goes back to Nosa in the village he needs her. Charity tells her Nosa is fine she is staying here. Zua cannot believe they have been lying to her all these years, all the time she was in SA she kept sending money for his treatment, so they have been draining her. Charity slaps her daughter. Zua still wants her to leave her house. Charity reminds her that she brought her to this world when she heard she married Tivdo she thought all their problems would have been solved, the only way she would leave this house is over her dead body.

Diana thanks Ohimai for what he did for her, standing up for her like she did but she does not really believe Scabadah. Ohimai does not completely believe Scabadah but he would do anything to make sure she is truly free, he would give an arm and a leg for her. Diana cannot believe he would do all of this for, why? Ohimai does not know, he has nothing to say. Diana is about to kiss Ohimai when Eddie enters the office so Diana leaves.
Eddie knows his guy is a strong guy, he came to inform him that Morenike is on her way to Abuja. Ohimai wants them to have that beer and pepper soup so they can sort out their issues. Eddie claims they do not have any issues.
Ademide cannot believe Jesse is the next target, when did they leave the parents and started going after the children. FK did not tell anyone about him and Jesse and he should make up is mind and not make the same mistakes their father's soft-heartedness got him. Ademide insists he is not being like their dad and he is not soft he does not understand why Jesse would pay for something her parents did. FK tries to convince him, Jesse would do the same if the cases were reversed, he was the one that told her what she did to Tallulah and her mother. Ademide tries to defend Jesse but FK needs her brother to make up his mind before he has his heart in his hands. If Jesse finds out who he is she would not hesitate to hurt him.
Terfa and his children try to figure out why Abimbola left. Terfa tells them killing Tobore was the last straw, she has been planing on leaving for a while now.
Patricia is rearranging the kitchen and giving orders to the maid when Jesse enters the house to talk to her. Jesse wants to know how long she would be staying seeing all the changes she has been making, her mother would not like it. Patricia tells her she would not be here for so long.

They are still talking when Abimbola wheels her bags into the house. She informs Jesse that she went to Warri for the burial and her mother said she could come to check on her for a day. Patricia knows she stays next to them and si wondering why she would come to stay here? Abimbola would not say rather she thanks her for coming to be with Jesse then asks for Tea.
When Patricia leaves to go get the tea, Abimbola tells Jesse to not tell anyone that she is staying here for a few days. Jesse understands.
Marcus meets with his INTERPOL handler, he knows the person that killed Leon and he wants him arrested. The guy reminds him he is just an informant and he should continue giving them information. Marcus insists he would not give him any more information since he would not pick up the person that killed Leon. The guy hands Marcus the file on who killed Leon, it is Tobore and he is already dead so the case is closed. Marcus replies that the case should not be closed when the people that did the job are still at large, how hard would it be to pick up Justice. The Interpol agent is already aware Justice was not at the scene of the crime the day it happened he was with him. They are aware of the money he collected so the fact that his guilt would not let him sleep does not mean it would ruin their operation.
Tivdo returns home and Zua and Charity are still at each other's throats. Charity explains to Tivdo that his rude wife is disrespecting her. Zua does not answer her mother rather she leaves to go into the room. Charity takes the time to emotionally blackmail Tivdo. Zua is embarrassed by her, she said she should leave her house because she does not dress like them and does not talk like them. Tivdo is moved by her tears and wants her to not go anywhere, she is his guest, and what he says goes. Charity thanks her son-in-law, he is a man.
Terfa calls Atinuke to find out if she knows where Abimbola is? Atinuke does not know but she would call him when she hears anything.
After Terfa's call with Atinuke, Bathelomow enters the study and Terfa orders that he looks through Abimbola's itinerary. While they are still talking. Scabadah and Ohimai enter the study.
Terfa wants Ohimai to explain what Scabadah is doing here? Scabadah can see Tobore was right they were working together this whole time. Scabadah came to tell him he is shutting down the operations. Terfa wants him to do it immediately they would not be using his company for illegal operations anymore. Scabadah wants to start slowly because there were different arms of what Tobore built. Terfa wants an immediate stop but that would not be wise so the old staff not create another ring and cause trouble for them. Terfa agrees on the condition that Ohimai works with him on this.
After Scabadah leaves, Terfa wants Ohimai to keep an eye on him, he should never trust an Umokoro.
Jeff goes to see Tivdo but this time without Tallulah. While they are talking, Zua comes to join them. Jeff knows they are close to Tallulah but they have not been showing up for Tallulah or is it because she is fighting them about money. Zua does not understand what money they are talking about? Jeff brings up the fact that he and Jesse were the anonymous donors. Tivdo assures him neither he or Jesse paid for anything. Zua is not happy hearing Jesse and Tivdo so she decides to leave to get something for Jeff to drink.
While Zua is away, Jeff takes the time to tell Tivdo that he is still in love with Tallulah, he proposed a while back but she was not ready for marriage. Tivdo assures him Tallulah is single he can go ahead. Jeff is really grateful. When Jeff leaves, Tivdo does not seem like he genuinely wants Jeff going after Tallulah.

Abimbola thanks Jesse for allowing her to stay here, she would be out of her hair soon. While they are talking, Scabadah enters the house and asks to speak with Jesse alone.
Scabadah informs Jesse that Ofure might not be coming back, she left the country to Rome. Jesse does not understand why she left her, she is griefing too and they would have gone together. Scabadah tells her Ofure left to go cleanse her sins, the death of Tallulah's mother is on her head and his head. Jesse cannot believe what she is hearing.
Next on Unbroken: Scabadah wants Justice to shut the operations down and ship himself back to Port Harcourt.

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