'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Unbroken' Recap: Season 1 Episode 131

In today's episode of Unbroken. Maria finally agreed to hide inside the house so when Tobore enters the parlor she is not there. Ofure sends her maid to make Banga and Starch for her brother while they talk. Tobore informs his sister that Scabaddah is coming to Lagos. He sent for their cousin to come to help him with his business. Ofure knows Scabaddah is a crazy person he killed all their pets when they were little. Tobore also talks to her about Kiki, he needs her advice concerning this smallie he is seeing. He really likes her but she kept some information from him that really annoyed him, he wants to deal with her but he really likes her. Ofure reminds her brother about Rosie and Tobore is happy about her. Rosie was a really fine girl until what happened. He then remembers Maria too but he does not know where she is at least whatever happened to her it not on him. Ofure then gives her brother the advice he needs, if he really likes this girl then he has to trust her first and not let what she kept from him stop him.

After their chat, Tobore wants to go inside so he can eat the Banga and starch but Ofure stops him in a playful way, he should wait for the maid to bring the food.
Tivdo and Iyoma talk in the conference room about Zua and Tallulah's fight than about her visit to Leon's hotel. Iyoma tells her brother that the footage from the day Leon's car was vandalized is missing this only adds up to the fact that something is fishy here. Tivdo reminds her that the footage from the night Leon was killed is fine but the footage from the vandalization is not fine. Tivdo thinks there is nothing fishy here, why would someone go as far as covering a simple vandalization but not a murder. Iyoma also brings up the fact that Leon had food poisoning from a bukka one of the drivers recommended. Tivdo is more convince Iyoma is holding on to all of this to stop herself from actually living, she needs to go back into her office and deal with it.
Maria comes out in a more subtle mood after hearing all Tobore and Ofure's conversation. Maria apologizes to Ofure for coming here but she just wants her to leave her daughter alone she has done nothing to her, she is her flesh and blood. Ofure forbids it, no mistake would be her flesh and blood, if Tobore could keep the things in between his legs together they would not be having this conversation. Maria tells Ofure that she knew what Tobore was doing to her all this while and she said nothing. Ofure wants her to sit and wait for Tobore, maybe she would be willing to see what he would do. Maria decides to leave, her daughter would return the property her husband gave to her and they would be out of their lives. Maria never wants to see Ofure again.
Nafike sits with Terfa in his study to go over his proposal. Terfa likes the proposal and wants him to go out with his friends to celebrate. Nafike has no friends so Terfa gives him a piece of advice. He and his friend Nanle had their issues, they even liked the same women at the same time but they never allowed it to come between them. Terfa has watched all of them while they were growing up, they would make it work. Nafike then calls Tivdo so they can have drinks later. Tivdo agrees. Nafike also calls Jesse.

Tallulah goes to the property only to find the property under lock and key and some men present. They inform her that the company has been confiscated by the government. Tallulah would handle this.

Jesse is on her phone telling Nafike that she would be there for drinks with Tivdo but she has to meet up with a friend first when Tallulah badge into her office. Tallulah wants to know why she is attacking her, first it was the Land Use Charges now confiscation?

Jesse pretends like she does not know what she is saying. Tallulah reminds her that they are supposed to be sisters, things were going really well, why the sudden change? Jesse calls her an opportunist, she just came on sudden wealth now she is trying to be her. Tallulah is not trying to be her and if she thinks so then she is delusional. Tallulah would not be intimidated by lily livered Jesse. Before Tallulah leaves, she tells Jesse she would be hearing from her lawyers. Jesse tells her the same too.

Tobore is sitting by the containers when Scabaddah comes holding a chicken for his cousin. They both hug and reconnect before Tobore's boys enter. Scabaddah then gives them the order of the day. He would be running the business, he is tougher and crazier than Tobore so he would not be entertaining any failures.

Jesse meets up with Ademide. He planned out a romantic dinner for them to tell her he is her man now, he does not want to work for her, he really likes her and gives all his credentials like he is applying for a job. Jesse likes all he says then accepts to be his girl but Ademide would be coming back to work for her, she needs him in the office. While Jesse and Ademide are kissing, Nafike enters just in time to see them. FK is quick to tell Nafike the restaurant is closed and Jesse is with him now so he can take his fascination on her elsewhere. Nafike leaves upset.

Dabota is drinking wine by the garden when someone grabs her from behind with a handkerchief over her mouth.
Next on Unbroken: Dabota meets with Atinuke. She remembers her as the Justice that is trying to help Abimbola.

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