'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Unbroken' Recap: Season 1 Episode 128

In today's episode of Unbroken. Dabota's scream draws Abimbola and Atinuke into the house. Abimbola wants answers after she sees the severed ear. Dabota needs to tell her if this is from one of her friends again, Dabota is so frightened to talk. Meanwhile, Atinuke puts on an act like she does not know where the ear is coming from. Abimbola calls Batholomew to ask who brought the package here. He explains it was a delivery company that sent it. Abimbola wants to call the police but Atinuke advises her to handle this in house, they already have the number of the delivery company. Abimbola agrees with her she would talk to Terfa.

Outside, Marcus and Iyoma also heard the scream but Iyoma would not go inside, with her family there is always something going on. Iyoma more than ever believes Leon was assassinated, they had been coming after him all this while and she did not pay attention, the accident, the food poisoning. Marcus, on the other hand, says it was just an accident but Iyoma would not accept it she is going to find out who is responsible for this.

Terfa called their kids and they are all safe on a closer look at the ear it looks like it is fake, seems to be a prank someone was trying to play at them. Terfa also thanks Atinuke for being here and calming the situation down. Atinuke is always willing to help but she has to leave now. As Atinuke leaves, Terfa reminds Dabota she needs to make a call. Dabota calls Timothy so they can meet when he is ready but the tables have changed now. Timothy does not want to see her, she would pay for what she did.
Tivdo calls Tallulah in his office to inform her that Voight would be sending some people over to inspect their facilities. Tivdo takes the time to ask her about the Land Use Charges but Tallulah says she would be handling it herself. Tivdo really wants to help her as a friend so Tallulah informs him she spoke with Jesse about this and she seemed a bit off. Tallulah goes on to ask Tivdo if Jesse knows about them because of the way she has been acting lately is off. Tivdo does not think she knows and besides Jesse has moved on from them what would she care if they kissed.
As Tallulah leaves, Tivdo calls Ofure to help with the property, Tallulah is an amazing employee and he wants to help.
Tobore goes to Diana's house. He is really impressed with her work so far with the Chief. The man keeps praising her. Diana begs Tobore, she is willing to sleep with anyone in this town but not that man, he is a beast. Tobore agrees to clear her debt for her if she does one thing for him. She has to sleep with the man one more time and this time she has to go with a camera to record it.

Sadiya/Adaugo is at a restaurant drinking when FK enters. They recognize each other from back in school. Sadiya tells her she is looking for her husband Usman and she went to Oma Bodyworks where they told her her husband frequents and met Kiki. While they are talking Justice calls Sadiya but he told her his name is Larry. Justice wants her to go through her husband's phone records that way Kiki would not deny knowing her husband. After her call, FK informs Sadiya that she should not believe anything Kiki says because she is a manipulative liar.
No one is talking to Maya at the spa. Leyla, Stanlo and even Chukwudi.
Nafike sees his mother making up by her mirror and asks where she is going to? She is about to go to Mike's court hearing later. Nafike thinks she should not be there but Nse insists this is her way of getting her revenge.
Jesse apologizes to Ademide for the other day but she did not like him bringing up her Ex. It is going to be either they work together or they don't because she thinks they cannot be friends and work together. Ademide decides that she fires him because he is not ready to work with her.

Nse meets with the detective at the station. She tells him that she has not been able to sleep since all this happened she would like to talk to Mike to get closure. The officer agrees to bring Mike so they can talk.

Mike is brought in and Nse tells him she forgives him for all he has done, he would not have a hold on her so she forgives him. Nse opens her arms to hug Mike but he refuses. The detective has to talk him into it. He cannot refuse forgiveness from the people he hurt so Mike hugs Nse. Nse then whispers into his ears, now he knows how she felt when she was locked up and he did nothing. Mike begins to apologize to Nse, he is sorry for all that happened but Nse leaves. Mike looks more guilty than ever now.

Tallulah goes to meet Ofure in her house. Ofure would take care of the Land Use Charges she does not need to worry about that seeing she would be buying the property. Tallulah thanks her but things get a bit physical when Ofure asks Tallulah about her relationship with Tivdo. Tallulah tells her Tivdo is just her boss and there is nothing going on there, his relationship with Jesse has nothing to do with her. Ofure decides to ask Tallulah if she is a hoe just like her mother? Tallulah's response to Ofure makes her slap her. Tallulah tells that if sleeping with Nanle Jangfa made her mother a hoe then she is worst seeing she had a relationship with... Ofure does not allow her to complete that statement as she slaps her across her face. Tallulah decides to empty her glass of wine on Ofure's face before leaving. There goes the property selling.

Next on Unbroken: Ademide tells Jesse it is clear they cannot work together, he would be turning in his resignation letter first thing tomorrow morning.

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