'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Unmarried' Recap: Season 1 Episode 5

In today's episode of Unmarried. Funbi tells Joe all Chuka said. How dare he call her old? After she pitied his ugly self and decided to be with him. Joe is only there to drink wine and confirm all she says. Funbi says she is in her prime and she would not let Chuka dump her she is going after the rest of her prospects.
Kamsi is crying at home to Somto. Somto tries to calm her down, she should not let Lotanna get her to this state, he is not worth it. Kamsi still defends her husband regardless of all he has done. They are still talking when the Landlord comes in to ask for her husband? He wants the money for the rent now and he would not leave until he gets it. Kamsi is still crying.

Nengi and Funbi meet up for drinks. Nengi tells her the date was good but then the Anti Fraud Department came to take him away for fraud. Funbi cannot believe this but they end up laughing at each other.

Kamsi keeps going on about what would happen to their children, where would they stay? Somto tells her she owes her kids a better life than the one she and Lotanna have. They are still talking when Lotanna comes back with a hangover and his shirt half-buttoned down. Somto is about to attack Lotanna for making her sister live in poverty all these years, he is a very useless man when Kamsi tells her not to insult her husband. Kamsi kicks her sister out when she would not stop shouting at Lotanna. As Somto leaves, Kamsi asks Lotanna where he has been? The landlord was here threatening to kick them out for rent. Lotanna claims he would sue the landlord for harassing his family. Kamsi cannot take all of this anymore.

Nengi's boss wants to take her out for dinner first before he would give her a promotion. He tells Nengi to keep the promotion a secret it only comes after the dinner. Nengi gets the message.

Funbi has a lunch date with Jeff her old friend. The guy seems to be doing well for himself from how he looks. Funbi, on the other hand, says she has been traveling the world for pleasure. Who needs work when she has her body to work for her. Her prospective guy laughs at what she says.
Kamsi goes to Nengi's office gloomy but she sees Nengi's facial expression and asks her what is going on with her? Nengi tells her that her boss wants to sleep with her for a promotion. Nengi thinks all of this his happening because of her issues with her marriage but she would not let a man work over her again. Kamsi then tells her own issue. Their landlord is about to kick them out, they have been in so many debts for so long now because Lotanna lost his job.

Funbi, on the other hand, is trying to seduce her date but he shows her a picture of his family. Jeff suggests they split the bill 50-50. Funbi cannot believe this.

Kamsi goes back home to see Lotanna sitting on the couch. She and Nengi came to get her things. Herself and her children would be staying in Nengi's house for a few days. Lotanna claims he is an Igboman, she cannot just take her kids like that. Kamsi needs the space so they can get their things together.

Funbi goes to Nengi's house to be with her friends. Funbi tells them about her date with the best husband in the world then insists they all go out tonight.

After the process of getting something suitable for Kamsi, the girls finally head to the club. The same club Weynom is the barman at. Funbi openly asks Nengi how Weynom is in bed, she did not tell them? Nengi has to apologize to Weynom.
Kamsi has not been out for a long time so she decides to have all the fun she can get. While Funbi and Nengi are trying to keep Kamsi in check, Funbi spots Udoka the actor so she goes over to dance with him. Udoka tells her he likes her friend, she should introduce her to her friend Nengi.
Funbi reluctantly introduces Udoka to Nengi.


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