'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Halita' Recap: Season 2 Episode 34

In today's episode of Halita. Rubi cannot believe the news she got on her phone.
Dareng shows Rebecca the video of what is left of his car after the attack. Rebecca is willing to sell her house to get her husband back. Dareng, on the other hand, wants to go back to the police, he suspects something is wrong about the attack it was more like they planned the attack on them. The men were masked and worked as if they knew what exactly to do at the precise moment. Rebecca suspects Kudus might be behind all of this. Dareng also thinks the same, he is the only one in the village that can do something like this.

King meets Halita on the balcony with shawarma for her. Halita thanks him for it but she is worried about her business. Things are going really slow right now. King reassures her, that is the thing with business, things would get kick-off soon it only takes time. Halita has an idea to sell to some of her colleagues at school.

Kaza goes to Rubi's house and she welcomes him by throwing a pillow at him. 'How dare you leak nude pictures that I sent you in private'? Kaka only came to ask her to discredit her source and take down the article or else he would not be responsible for what else might get public. Rubi intends to retaliate, she has pictures of him too and one click from her then all his business and family would be gone just like that. Kaza warns her again to discredit her source.

Onfo is overly excited for her friend. She knows she would be her Chief Brides Maid. Halita tells her to calm down, they have not been told everyone yet. Onfo takes the opportunity to find out how much her own bride price would be.

Dosha reads out Rubi's apologies to Kaza, Bobby, and Adi in the conference room. Rubi apologized for what she published claiming it was Max that gave her the story and also leaked nude pictures of her if she refused to do with he had asked. While Dosha reads the message she keeps looking at her father suspiciously. Bobby thinks they should sue Rubi for what she wrote but Kaza says there would be no need for that seeing Rubi has already apologized. Adi thinks there is more to all of this.

Onfo has become a wedding planner overnight. She keeps going over all the Asoebi and bride price they need for the wedding when Ladi enters the room. She wants to know who is getting married? Onfo avoids her question so she does not have to say anything but Onfo would soon be spilling the beans.

Halita and King are walking in the house. King has a plan on how he would tell his family about the news.

Altine goes to Bobby's office to surprise her man. Bobby gives her his card to buy a very nice dress for herself, he would take her out tonight. Bobby knows Altine can fend for herself but he insists he wants to take care of his girl. Altine takes the card, they would meet up late tonight.

Everyone seems to be meeting Kudus with their matrimonial issues today. First two women come to complain about the same man. One wants the other to leave her husband while the other one insists she cannot leave because she has been with this man for four years now. Meanwhile the man in question is in another village marrying another wife. Kudus comes up with the wise decision to marry one of the ladies and offers to marry the pregnant one but on the condition that she gives the child back to her husband because he would not take care of anyone's child. As soon as the women are about to leave, Rebecca enters. She wants Kudus to give her back her husband.

Ladi and Viccoco come up with a plan to get Onfo to spill all the wedding plans she has been hiding.
Dosha calls the Rovartis rep again to beg for another chance at the deal. She really needs this deal to go through. Mrs. Cooker tells her she would try her best.

Bobby goes over to Altine's house. She decided to give him another treat when she went to get the dress.
Dosha is on the phone with Dooter. She keeps telling him she is not in the mood but changes her mind the moment she sees King working in with Halita.

Kaza meets Matilda again at the parlor to apologize for what he did. They are still talking when Adi walks in and tells them they need to carry out an internal investigation on the allegations on Kaza and while that is going on, Kaza needs to step down as MD.

Next on Halita: Kaza, Adi, Bobby, Dosha, and Matilda sit in for a meeting at Lufu. Adi insists Kaza steps down while they investigate the allegations surrounding him. When Adi says Dosha and Matilda agree with him, Matilda tells them to go ahead she is listening.

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