'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8



The side chic game seems to be the in thing these days. It is a bragging right for a guy to have a wife or main chic, then spice things up with a side chic to prove their manliness. Some guys even have more than one side chic and would not have any problem maintaining all of them at ones just to massage their ego.
The funny thing is that some ladies like the side chic position and would even let the main chic know that they are next in line to the throne. While some ladies would not want to play second fiddle to another person, another few ladies can't be bothered. Whichever lady you decide to be, you can know if you are playing the side chic position by any of these signs.

When he is constantly taking things from you.

If you are with a guy that is always taking things from you rather than giving you things. He comes today and takes your car, tomorrow your money, next tomorrow your house. If you are playing mother instead of girlfriend to the guy, please know that you are the champion of side chics association. At the end of the day, the only thing you would get is that ACRIMONY S**T when you realize he was just using you all along.

When he says he has a girlfriend but you guys can still run things.
Saying this alone is a clear invitation to be his side chic. By these, he is telling you straight up what your position is so don't come later and be feeling like the main chic when he has already put it out there that he has a girlfriend. What were you thinking he was going to leave his girlfriend for you at some point? Hell no.

He does not invite you to important events.
Guys that have side chics know they can't invite them to occasions that have their family and friends attending. They only go with the main chic to weddings, churches {that's if he goes to church}, even his own birthday. Think about it, what other reason would he have for not calling you to hang out with him on something like his birthday. Yap your answer is as good as mine SIDE CHIC!

He does not invest in you.
Ladies don't be fooled to think that when a guy occasionally gives you money to make your hair, do your nails and buy new clothes he is really into you. No, my dear, he might be doing that too for a ton of other girls. If he occasionally gives you money and cannot invest his time in you, or constructively contribute to your business then you are a side chic.

When the guy is an incessant traveler.
Although traveling a lot does not automatically mean that he has someone else out there. It might mean that he has a business in another city and has to go occasionally to supervise things. However, if the guy keeps going to one particular city and spending so much time there more than he spends in the city you are in, you do not need anyone to tell you that you are a side chic, in fact, he might even have a wife and two children already.

He picks out the days of the week he can see you.
When a guy tells you he can only see you on some days and not on other days, just know that you are a side piece. He has to take care of his other chics on those days he can't see you. He does not want you to run into your co-workers, he has to fix you in at an appropriate time. Please sister just stay in your lane.

He does not show you off on his social media.
Some people are really private about their personal lives and so if he does not put up your pictures is probably because he is a very private person. But when you know that he is the very active type on social media and he has blatantly refused to show you off on his social media then he doesn't want his main chic finding out about you. He is keeping things on the low low.


  1. Abeg women like being side chicks jhor. They want you to spend money on them

  2. This side chick thing no be here oh. Even the main chick sef no dey sure of her position.

  3. Side chick
    At least youd know....
    If not....

  4. But if we do it back we're hoes smh


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