'30 Coins' Recap: Season 1 Finale Episode 8

'Halifax: Retribution' Recap Season 1 Episode 6

This week in Halifax Retribution. The task force finally releases Daniel’s pictures after weeks of terrorizing the city of Melbourne as a warning to the entire public he is armed and dangerous if they see the man, they should report to the task force. Daniel was watching the news when Tom briefs the public as well as pictures of him splattered across the streets of Melbourne, he quickly stopped housekeeping from cleaning the room to avoid being recognized. That would have been another dead body for the task force to see.

At the task force, Tom doesn’t sound like someone that wants to quit like he did in the last episode when he spoke with Jane, this time he tells Jane the police commissioner can come to take his resignation himself if he wants it.
Jane and Erin go through Tony’s autopsy report, she was killed by affixation. Jane explains the reason why Daniel changed his MO by killing someone he knows, it is because he is aware they are closing in on him. While they are talking, Bronski comes to inform them of the vehicle of interest, they are chasing it right now.

The officers follow Daniel’s car, trying to identify the driver with futile luck. Jane says it unlike him, it’s like he is putting on a show. Tom sends Bronski and Nick down there, he needs them on the ground when they catch him.
The car comes to a stop as well as the driver but it is not Daniel, the driver explains a man contacted him on Facebook to drive the car here and get them here by 6 o'clock. They immediately clear the area and get the bomb squad. The first IUD is found and defused but it triggers another one, a wireless device that is not inside the bus just the timer. In a last-minute impulse, Tom suspects the bomb is in the dumb can but Nick is on call and does not hear him yell get away from the can. Tom saves Nick in time before the blast goes off and is injured severely.
Jane stayed at the hospital waiting for reports on Tom when Nick comes to ask her to go home, he would call her when anything comes up since he is still in surgery.

Zoe called Jane over after her panic attack at the restaurant while Mandy went to party. She informs Jane of Mandy's suggestion that they take a trip to Bolivia to help her grief and take her away from all of this.
When Zoe falls asleep, Jane takes the time to go through Mandy’s things but comes out the moment she hears Mandy come in.
Jane is against going to Bolivia, Zoe does not need to travel right now but Mandy says Zoe has to grief properly not this bottled up grief she has been doing, they do not need her here.
Tom Woke up and Nick was there by his side, he thanks him for saving his life today. Tom doesn’t want none of that, he should put the team together he is in charge now and he trusts him to bring down the killer. Talk about being saved by the same man you wanted out of the task force.

Jane took Mandy’s diary to the office and was going through it when Bronski comes to talk to her. Bronski takes a look at the diary after Jane says how she took it. Bronski found some amounts of money that made Mandy look like she is dealing with drugs. Jane isn’t surprised about that but takes the diary back. Bronski was going to interrogate Cooper, her husband’s killer, as Jane watch it.
In a bid to get him to talk, Bronski informs Cooper Mitch has given a full statement concerning his involvement in the killing of Ben, Mitch said he drove him down there while he took the shot. Cooper knows they have nothing on him, the jury would not take the side of a pathological liar over the word of a cop.

After the futile interrogation, Bronski tries to put together a chain of events to see where Jane and Cooper might have met each other because it is strange that someone Jane has never met before wants her dead.
An armed robbery that took place in 2004 and Jane was part of the team that worked the case, her findings led to the investigation of the police force sending Jimmy Cooper to the archives, he might still blame her for derailing his career. They are still talking when Nick comes to inform them of the truck, they have finished processing it.

Jane finds her picture as well as several other pictures in the van, they also take his gingerbread man in the truck as evidence.
Bronski took some men to search Mandy’s apartment for drugs against Jane's knowledge. Mandy recognized Bronski and tells Zoe to ask Jane what is going on when she comes down to meet the police search.
Jane isn’t happy with what Bronski did, she went to search Mandy’s place over evidence that she stole, now she has put her in a bad position. Bronski says she was following her haunch and it was a good intel.

The gingerbread man on Daniel’s truck did speak after all, it led them to the 3D printer where Daniel’s gun was made, someone they have investigated before, Anton Bungert. Nick and the team go to Mr. Bungert's place with a search warrant. Bungert isn't friendly with the officers, in fact, he is angry they came to search his property again. Jane decides to talk to him personally even asking for a beer. She sees pictures of him, his father, and his half brother Jerad Bungert. Jane asks him if there is any chance Jerad was at Melbourne university in 2009 but he does not answer.
Meanwhile, Daniel is outside the compound with his sniper in hand waiting to take a shot.
Anton Bungert insists his brother is not the shooter, he was just a normal kid growing up although he hasn’t seen him for days.

Outside, Jane tells Nick she is sure his brother is the shooter, they know he was here last week even though he did not come in. Nick calls Kip to run a search in Jerad Bungert for him, meanwhile, Daniel has his hand on the gun but does not take the shot because Jane and Nick go back inside.
Nick dropped his card with  Anton even though he wouldn’t take it, 11 people have died.
When they leave, Daniel enters to talk to his brother Anton. Meanwhile, the task force did not go, they stopped outside the gate to confirm from Kip it is Jerad, and if it is his brother they would go back to arrest Anton.
Anton wants to be there for his brother even if he could not be there all these years for him but this killing has to stop, he has to turn himself in.
Nick gets confirmation that Jerad is Anton’s brother but at the same time, they hear the shots fired. Anton’s body is found while Daniel had escaped. Jane explains he thought his brother had betrayed him that was why he killed him.

Bronski has made a breakthrough with Cooper’s case and Jane watch as she interrogates him again. Cooper gave a phone to his girlfriend’s son containing his freelance activities as a hired shooter but Cooper denies everything, he has not seen the phone before. Bronski informs him they found his fingerprint on the phone as well as knowing everything was wiped on the phone but they pulled out Jane’s address and pictures from the phone. Cooper is curved in, he needs to corporate or spend so much time in jail. 
Cooper says it was not because of the robbery, half that squad was corrupt, someone contacted him to do the work and does not know who organized the hit, he did it for the money it was not personal.

Jane finds it surprising that he does not know who ordered the hit something Erin and Bronski explains, it is common to have situations like this, the person ordering the hit makes no direct contact with the shooter rather they drop the name and location of the target as well as payment for the hit.
Erin, Nick, and Bronski watch as Cooper bait his handler, he wants more money to leave town and he wants it today.
The person that ordered the hit took the bait, she came to the laundry mart where Bronski, Jane, and Erin were stationed to drop the money. Bronski caught her while she was trying to escape, it was Mandy that ordered the hit.

Jane went to Zoe to explain things to her but Zoe wouldn’t believe her, first, she stopped their trip with the cops now she is telling her Mandy ordered the hit that killed her dad. Zoe orders her to get out, she does not want to see her.
While Jane is working, Jerad calls her, he wanted to hear her voice. Jane isn’t really in a friendly mood and Jerad too after killing his brother. Jared tells her to get some shut-eye, tomorrow is going to be a big one.


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